Sunday 25 August 2013

Day #15: end of the day, end of the waiting

If in the beginning I thought it's never gonna end, now I'm so happy it's over. I'm not gonna say, however, it felt like one short moment. It was really long time and it drove me insane. At some points I thought I'd break down. I thought I wouldn't really bear it, wouldn't make it. But I did. I've been through harder situations in my life and they've made me strong. But I'm happy I can be weak for a while now.
And really, he's kinda on his way already and tomorrow at the same time we'll be together already :) In less than 24 hours, less than .. 18 hours. That's the time he's gonna be back here. Wee :) Just 18 hours. I can totally make it.
What I also wanna do is thank my sweetest best friend Kärt for being here for me. Today I needed that a lot, as I really thought at some moments I'm gonna murder someone. Having an 11-hours workdays three days in a row is a bit too much. But hey, I made it again :P
Soon, babydoll, soon.

Very happy and full of Love,

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